
Post 08 This term's learning

 This term was pretty much the best learning experience I've had yet! In this term, I learned how to analyze works of writing and learn what to look for. Firstly, I learned how to look for the thesis in the writing, how it should sound to be a correct and clear thesis. Clearing that all the major points are in fact align with the purpose of the writing, and are organized. Make sure that it is the same as when I write a paper of my own.  When writing, it is most important to make sure that your citations are correct. Without correct citations, the paper can then just be seen as not credible. Being as citations is one of the most important parts of your paper, it goes without saying that it just strengthens your paper. I can say that understanding that the different ways that citations work and how you need to cite it differently debating on how it's supposed to be formatted or the type of paper.  I don't think that there was anything that I didn't think was helpful, the ...

Post 07 Comparing and Contrasting Academic Writing

Comparing in writing is as most people think, it's used when you compare the things that are similar that might share the same topics or elements. While contrast mainly focuses on the differences on the topic mainly showing how different they might be. For writing, I would say that it's good for a compare and contrast essay to have a similar ground that's enough to show the similar qualities and then the differences. The main tool when writing this type of essay is having enough information on the main similarities as it will become important info for the reader to understand.  Another helpful tip as well as when writing any papers is having a good organizational strategy, mainly knowing what you're going to do. And how you are going to organize the body of the paper, whether it be about one part or multiple different points. 

Post 06 Boyd's Rhetorical Strategies

 In Boyd's essay, she takes an approach to mainly explain to the readers about writing rhetorically. And in her paper, she makes it really nice to understand and have a good hold on what she's saying. Instead of going for the detailed information, she makes it (at least to me) more straightforward to understand by making it somewhat interactive! By also making it clear that her essay talks about how writing isn't just about how the paper is written but in a way, it's also about the voice, how it sounds to the reader.  As I've seen, instead of just laying out facts like other papers, asking questions.  

05 Organizational Strategies and Logical Arguments !!

I would say that when writing almost anything you need a strategy or goal for what your writing. In this case, it's a good idea to have organizational strategies. Whether that be comparing or contrasting, cause and effect, using sequence and other helpful writing tools. For my essay, I was trying to explain and inform the reader by showing and explaining how the degree is the best for creative minded people who look towards doing both what they want and finding a job for that.  A logical argument could be statements brought together to see if how true the statement or conclusion is. And of course, I would have to use this in my own writings, in an arguementive and persuasive paper like this one. You would almost have to. In this, I would have to research the topic more so that as I added in my own paper, have information that the reader would check suiting their judgement or questions. It's almost like how I start my paper with the topic so that it's clear and then travelin...

Post 04 Another Rhetorical Situation Part 2

 For my second essay or Doc2, the primary prompt was to try and persuade the reader to consider thinking about a major you're set on or plan to. With this said, I chose the major that I plan to choose, which is a  Bachelors of Arts in Applied Arts and Design. I chose this topic because of my interests and what would suit my talents and skillsets. For the Audience, I give facts about how this significant works and its benefits and how it's connected to more things that the audience may find interesting. The primary purpose is to give examples of how this major is fun and suitable for people interested in art or might even be interested after reading. " Effective argumentation has been talked about for centuries.",(Caroll 54)in this, my essay would have touched the sides necessary for people to know I have a strong understand and information. 

Post 03: Outside Sources and Academic Writing

                                                   O utside Sources and Academic Writing     As most commonly used, the main ways of using sources in writings. For example, quoting; would be that you use direct words from a source, where d irect quotations are words that are taken directly from another source, and then used just as it's written in the paper. And then there's summarizing, which would be summing up information from a source, understanding the authors main points and shortening a summary from it. And then there is paraphrasing, which as it's known is, taking any part of the source and putting it in your own words. All of these are key in using outside sources in any writing you do, otherwise if not cited correctly, 

Post 2: My Rhetorical Situation.

                              `             My Rhetorical Situation          For my first document, I wrote about the anxieties of test taking and online school, considering that I feel like I can relate and it's one thing that's a current problem or issue I face. As for the parts of the communication triangle (Rhetorical wise), First would be the purpose, the purpose would be to explain the issue I have which is being anxious about tests and the pressure that come with online schooling. Then there would be the message I'm trying to send, which is the negative effects of online school besides the postives adressed in the paper.  As for the audience the audience at the end should be well imformed of the issue and the downsides of online school but not be too keen on the negatives or postives and go for a more neutrul takeaway. And just...